Friday 11 January 2013

January 11th – Reached 31721 words.

Today has been a bitty kind of a day. I’ve managed 3,054 words, but they’ve come in little spurts rather than in a good solid session. Not really sure why, just the way the day developed I guess.

Still, it’s more than the target and when you look at the surplus words, you could say I was more than half a day in front. As I said yesterday, getting ahead is a good thing; I’ll need the slack later in the month.

Interesting day outside of writing today too. A couple  of days ago we tried a doughnut recipe that was yeast free and supposedly rose to give a doughnut like texture without the kneading and leaving to rise. It tasted horrible, more like fried bricks than doughnuts, so they were binned. Today we tried a proper recipe (a sugar free one to boot, although of course the toppings and sugar dips are anything but).

This recipe was great, made the dough, kneaded it and left it for an hour and a half before rolling and cutting out the rings, then leaving them to rise again. Finally it was time to fry them – 55 seconds each side at 170. They came out PERFECT! Delicious, scrumptious, call them what you like, they were wonderful.

By the way, there’s none left – we only made a half size batch to try out both the recipe and the new fryer we bought at Xmas. Maybe I’ll share a picture the next time I make some. Sorry, for most of you it’d be a problem to get here to taste them.

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