Sunday 3 March 2013

March 3rd. 194,318 words.

Well, today we started the day baking again. Once more, our favourite cheese bread recipe came out, and we made four meal sized loaves. (That’s one standard sized loaf dough, cut into four and shaped into balls. Each of these when baked is just enough for two people to share, and you never leave a cut edge in the bread bin to dry out and go stale.)
At the same time we baked another batch of biscuits, fruit and white chocolate chip this time. If anything these are even better than the previous batch – but I think we chopped the brazil nuts too fine with that first batch, so we’ll try those again on another occasion. Do need to look out for some dried pineapple pieces in the supermarket tomorrow – the recipe in the book was for coconut and dried pineapple, which, as we didn’t have any, is why we substituted the chopped brazils. Note, we’re canny shoppers, you know – we brought broken brazils rather than whole ones – knowing they would be chopped – about half the price.
Anyway on the writing front, I passed 3,000 words today, so by Tuesday I should be north of 200k and more than 20% of the way toward my target, almost 9 days ahead of schedule, all good.
My arm is also playing up a lot less today, all that physio and all those pain killers have paid off, as I write I haven’t had any pins and needles for over 48 hours, and no real pain to speak of either. Still too soon to leave off either the physio or the meds, but definitely an improvement. Yeay for me.

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