Thursday 7 March 2013

March 7th – 206,626 words completed.

I just checked back on my spreadsheet, I’ve been working on this piece for nearly three weeks now, and come rain or shine, apart from some interruptions for a newsletter and a couple of small bits for critique groups, I’ve managed to average better than 3,000 words a day, without missing a day. In fact I’ve hit 3,305 words today and stopped to do other things.

I’m getting used to being this productive, but it will soon be time to turn my attention back to editing the first couple of piece’s I worked on. That will add a fourth writing task to the day and I wonder how I will cope, given I can’t put down the publishing work, the studying or rather obviously the new writing as that’s all that counts toward the target. I can’t count the editing, because how do you count the words positively. I expect most of these pieces to shrink under the hand of an editor, especially my own, so in that case, the count would be negative. If I counted the whole word count again, that would duplicate the work. Indeed if I simply edited everything I’ve already written this year, four times, under that system I’d reach my target without doing anything else new.

I guess I’ll just have to add task number four to the daily grind, after all.

Ah well.

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