Tuesday 1 October 2013

October 1st – 833,313

A total of 4,961 words today has taken more past the 830k mark, and in fact done so by more than a full day’s worth of words.

It’s time now to give some thought to how work at incorporating and completing a NANOWRIMO challenge into working on this challenge. For NANOWRIMO I’d need to start a new project on 1st November and produce 50,000 words on it during that month. On my main challenge I need to produce 2,740 words a day, over a thousand a day more than the NANOWRIMO word count, so I’d be aiming to complete their challenge on the 19th November, assuming I wasn’t working faster than that. I also managed to write 90k words in September, despite having a week off. For the last 11 days I’ve averaged over 4,780 words. If I was to keep writing at this pace I’d finish my main challenge around about 5th November – before I’d really got started on NANOWRIMO

If someone had said to me at the start of January, that I’d be seriously looking at completing it by the end of the first week in November I’d have said No Way, absolutely No Way will that happen. To be honest, I expect my word count to slow, I can’t see me continuing to work at this rate once the current work in progress is finished, if it doesn’t slow down before then.

I’m left pondering if I’m going to be in a position to complete this challenge two months early and then start a new story for NANOWRIMO. That would be a turn-up.

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